Addiction – it’s a terrible thing.
You try to get through the day…just ONE day…without succumbing to the pull of the object you’re addicted to. But what if that addiction is to The Hallmark Channel – specifically, all those feel-good movies?
I can usually keep my addiction under control for the first 10 months of the year, but when the holiday season rolls around I fall apart. I long for the end of the day, when I can put my feet up in front of the fire, gather my critters around me, and escape into the land of Hallmark.
In this magical place, kindly nannies always turn out to be angels…or Mrs. Santa Claus. The lost dog finds his way home, and a fluffy bundle of feline fur waits under the Christmas tree for the boy who always wanted a kitten.

One of my favorite Hallmark movies is A Dog Named Christmas, which is currently showing on TV. You will never look at a ball rolling on the ground the same way. A word of advice, though - do NOT watch this movie without a large box of tissues handy.
The Christmas Card is another moving story…very poignant.
Sure, most of these movies are predictable, and a bit on the syrupy side, but who cares? I know by the time the credits roll I’ll be both satisfied AND sobbing.
Addiction - it CAN be a terrible thing - but not always!
So, what’s YOUR favorite Hallmark movie?
(Note – I have no connection to Hallmark and don’t know anyone affiliated with them. I just like their movies.)
Chris Davis
Lighthearted Press
Publishing magical books for animal lovers
Gosh, I am so with you on this, but for the life of me I can't think of the titles of any movies right now. Darn it. hehe But, I get the same adddictive feeling during this time of year, too! It's so good to be able to stop in and say hi to my favorite author, Christine. I haven't ordered books in quite awhile due to being on SSDI (disability), but am proud that I just ordered 2 copies of your newest book, "Forever Paws" and can't wait to get them! Thank you for the discount, too. I'm so glad I am on your email list. You are the best, Chris! Warmly, Vicki T.
It's so nice to hear from you, Vicki - glad to know another Hallmark addict! Thanks so much for ordering my new book - hope you like it!
I haven't watched a Hallmark movie in a long time, but... I worked in a Hallmark store for many years. I was highly addicted to all things Hallmark during those years! :)
Tammy, it must have been fun working at that Hallmark store - kind of like working at Disneyland! Hallmark sells things that celebrate people and all the special moments in our lives, so it really touches the heart, doesn't it?
To Dance With the White Dog with Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronin. What a tender, tear-jerker. I loved it!
Another great movie, Andrea - it's been years since I've seen it!
I am SO addicted to Hallmark movies too! My kids only sometimes watch them with me. Yes, they are predictable, no my life is nothing like them, but I am so pulled to them!
How can I name just one ! christmas card is great one ,all the new ones I have seen this year have been great,
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