This was my Mom, back in her heyday.
She loved to get dressed up and go out dancing. She had this dangling charm bracelet that you heard long before you could see her coming down the stairs.
She could spray paint the heck out of anything – although back then it was called “antiquing.” I remember all the ballet slippers she painted for me, which resulted in my feet having gold and silver flecks for many days after the recital.
She was a hoot – my very own I Love Lucy. Her friend, Hilda, was my Mom’s “Ethel.” I have vivid memories of being in the car while these two sang the words to “Afternoon Delight” along with the radio. I kept wondering if they had ANY IDEA what the song was about!
I lost Mom 5 years ago to Alzheimer’s. It was heartbreaking to say goodbye to her, but knowing she was free and back to her old self brought me joy.
I suspect she’s keeping the angels on their toes. I just hope she's learned that throwing cans of Tomato Soup when you’re ticked off is NOT proper heavenly etiquette!
I think most women have a maternal instinct that needs to be expressed one way or another.
Whether your children are two-legged, four-legged, feathered, furred or grow in flowering pots on the deck, Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms!
And to my own Mom...keep watching over me, OK?
Lighthearted Press
Lighthearted Press
Publishing magical books for animal lovers
Chris, I'm sure she's with you every moment.
Thank you, Bernadette - I feel her presence all the time!
Beautiful !!
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