Yes, I’m still blessed to share my heart and home with their sisters, Molly and Star.
These special girls have their own ways of letting me know when they are happy...but they don't purr.
When Dickens purred you could hear him even if you were in another part of the house.

And when it was time for breakfast, she would stand with her feet on my chest as I slept and purr…loudly.
I’ve read that cats purr at a frequency that can produce healing in the human body. While I have no doubt that is true, I DO know how healing a purring kitty can be for the soul.
I’ve found a YouTube video that shows a tabby cat (just like Pip) purring away. I listen to it regularly...it brings peace to my heart.
But OH how I miss Pippen's purrs...
Chris Davis
Lighthearted Press
Publishing magical books for animal lovers!
I do think that purrs can have a healing effect. My cats seem to know when I need them to cuddle up and purr with me.
Tammy, aren't critters amazing? I'm so glad your kitties take such good care of you!
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