Determined to pull myself out of my sadness, I drove to the local movie theater and purchased a single ticket to see How to Train Your Dragon in 3D.
WOW – was THAT ever the right thing to do!

The fact that this was my first 3D movie made it even better. It was a feast for the eyes, and the perfect healing balm for my heavy heart.

As I drove home my physical hands were on the steering wheel, but in another, equally real world I held onto the sparkling scales of my own dragon, as we soared above the clouds of Portland.
I felt this way when I saw The Iron Giant and Wall-E, two of my favorite all-time movies. Perhaps I’m meant to live in the world of animation…something I plan to give more thought to, when…and if…I ever get back to earth.
Isn't it great when a movie helps this way? I haven't seen this one, but I have watched previews a couple of times. It looks great!!
Tammy, if you get a chance to see it I highly recommend going. It's very uplifting - in more ways than one!
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