Gabby, who is also deaf, apparently barks at everything she sees outside, so Hope always knows if the Sandhill Cranes are in the area or if someone has come by for a visit.
And then there’s Roofus, the little kitty Hope rescued from…you guessed it…the roof!
Don’t you just love his face?
Hope was telling me about the book “Mutts Shelter Stories : Love. Guaranteed.”
The book is by Patrick McDonnell, creator of the Mutts comic strip. She was very enthusiastic about the book…so much so that a few days later a copy was waiting for me in my mailbox, courtesy of Hope!
This book is delightful, and I highly recommend it. You can learn more about "Mutts Shelter Stories: Love. Guaranteed." at
Thank you, Hope, for your kindness. I knew that any critter who came your way would be fortunate indeed, but now I see that good fortune extends to us two-legged creatures as well.
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