Marie Mosely Plummer, of Wasilla Alaska, knows all about Forever Cats. For the last 16 years she has shared her life with one…SimbaKitty…who was actually born on the same day she landed in Alaska for the first time.
Talk about something that was meant to be!
Marie told me that SimbaKitty is coming to the end of his journey with her. Anyone who has ever loved a critter understands how heartbreaking this is. Our animal companions can often live for a very long time, but it’s never long enough. My kitties and I are sending lots of purrs and hugs to Marie and SimbaKitty. My beloved angel dog, Jake, loved cats – it was he who found the litter of kittens under my deck, brought them in, and raised them as his own. It is those four 11-year old cats with whom I share my life.
I like to think that Jake takes a special interest in all the new heavenly kitty arrivals.
So one day, when SimbaKitty finds himself heading up to those starry skies, perhaps Jake will be there to greet him and welcome him home.
Chris, Thank you sooo much for putting SimbaKitty on your page. He's got his 15 minutes of fame (so to speak). He fell this morning and hurt his leg and i'm taking him to the vet @10:30. I can't put him through anymore, so i'm pretty sure he won't be coming back home w/me. I'm going to be ordering your For Every Cat An Angel book again, because i'm having him cremated w/ his favorite toy, blankey and your book. I still can't believe what you and your book have done to help ease my pain and soothe my heart. As i said before, I hope that anyone who has, is or will lose a beloved pet will somehow find a way to your book and website. After reading your pages on pet loss comfort, i have decided to be w/him when put to sleep. I didn't want to @ first. But after reading this, i now know that i should be w/him, not just hand him over to someone else and walk out. He's been there with me through everything i've been through. And as you said, I looked into his eyes this morning and he let me know that our earthly journey together has come to the end.I will be there for him til the end. I Love You for how you have helped me cope w/your kind words and prayers and your book (which is AWESOME). Thank you, My Forever Kitty & Your Forever Friend!!! Marie Moseley Plummer
Dear Christine Davis, You will hold a special place in the heart of my niece, whose baby was named SimbaKitty. Thanks for taking the time. Uncle Jr. (yes we all had different names)
Marie,I'm so very sorry. If SimbaKitty left you today, at least you can find comfort in knowing the very last thing he experienced on this earth was being with you, his forever person, and feeling your love.
Chris, Thank you sooo much for putting SimbaKitty on your page. He's got his 15 minutes of fame (so to speak). He fell this morning and hurt his leg and i'm taking him to the vet @10:30. I can't put him through anymore, so i'm pretty sure he won't be coming back home w/me. I'm going to be ordering your For Every Cat An Angel book again, because i'm having him cremated w/ his favorite toy, blankey and your book. I still can't believe what you and your book have done to help ease my pain and soothe my heart. As i said before, I hope that anyone who has, is or will lose a beloved pet will somehow find a way to your book and website. After reading your pages on pet loss comfort, i have decided to be w/him when put to sleep. I didn't want to @ first. But after reading this, i now know that i should be w/him, not just hand him over to someone else and walk out. He's been there with me through everything i've been through. And as you said, I looked into his eyes this morning and he let me know that our earthly journey together has come to the end.I will be there for him til the end. I Love You for how you have helped me cope w/your kind words and prayers and your book (which is AWESOME). Thank you, My Forever Kitty & Your Forever Friend!!! Marie Moseley Plummer
Dear Christine Davis, You will hold a special place in the heart of my niece, whose baby was named SimbaKitty. Thanks for taking the time. Uncle Jr. (yes we all had different names)
Marie,I'm so very sorry. If SimbaKitty left you today, at least you can find comfort in knowing the very last thing he experienced on this earth was being with you, his forever person, and feeling your love.
My kitties and I send our love...Chris
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