When people send me pictures of their enclosures I get so excited!I know their felines are well loved and are having as much fun outside as my cats do.
Linda Taylor, from Tacoma WA, sent me these pictures of the enclosure they built for their cat, Tia. Talk about beautiful!
Linda said they chose a fencing that was plastic, and not firm, because critters are afraid it might be a net and they don’t even try to get through it. 

Here’s Tia on the inside perch that looks out into her enclosure:
If your kitties are longing to go outside, I hope you'll consider building them a screened-in enclosure. That way, the cats can be safely out in the fresh air, and all the little critters who visit your yard (birds, chipmunks, squirrels, etc.) will be safe, too.
Hi, Chris:
The enclosure is beautiful! Thank you for posting it. I think the more people see that cats can be safely contained outside, the more they'll let their cats have some fresh air and sunshine! ~ Connie ;-)
Hi Chris, I love your enclosure, thanks for sharing. It is so important for kittys to be contained in a safe environment. Living in the city, it is hard because we do not have yards. Seeing my two kitties stare at me from inside, motivated me to invent pet enclosures that will work for pet owners with only balconies, courtyards, small yards, etc.
My Cats love them and are safe from harm, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine!
Lisa, Inventor of the Kritter Kondo
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