So Jake came home and immediately decided sleeping on my bed was heaven...until he discovered the floor-to-ceiling window across from the bed! A large framework sat on the deck that was below that window. Squirrels, chipmunks and birds ran along the beams, often coming nose to nose with Jake as he looked out of his window on the world.
It was his sacred space – safe, cool and wildly entertaining. In the last months of his life, when his legs were wobbly and his eyesight was failing, Jake’s bed was his favorite place – his security blanket.
It is completely different with my four cats! Dickens and his sisters - Molly, Pippen and Star - are constantly changing their favorite little nesting spots. While this shouldn’t be

One night last week I had finished the regular cat round-up and, once again, Star was missing. I searched three times behind, under and in-between every appliance or piece of furniture in the house – no luck. I went back to the top of the house to begin search #4, and noticed one of the drawers in the closet was open about 2”. Could it possibly be?
Somehow she had squeezed her way into that incredibly small opening, and was fast asleep in my sock drawer.
So, here’s my question – WHY DO CATS DO THIS?
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