The emails came from all over the country – stories of people suffering this holiday season due to the loss of an animal companion.
If you’ve ever loved, and lost, a treasured critter you know how tough it is to get excited about decorating a tree when the kitty who used to sleep beneath it is gone. You understand how the joy of delivering holiday baskets disappears when the dog who accompanied you on your rounds has left your side.
Each story touched my deeply.It was hard to choose – I wish I could have sent gift boxes to everyone.
In the end, I chose Ashley Craig’s nomination for the Dog Lover Box, and Marilyn Milano’s nomination for the Cat Lover Box. Due to the personal nature of their submissions, the names of the nominees will be kept confidential.
While nothing can take away the heartbreak of losing a four-legged friend, sometimes just knowing someone cares can help a hurting heart.
The gift boxes are on their way. I hope they will bring a little comfort to the recipients.
With love, Chris Lighthearted Press Publishing magical books for animal lovers
There was a time I thought rubber bands were just for sealing bags, keeping wrapping paper on the roll, or for holding up socks.
But that was before Pippen. She came into my life in May 1998, a three week old kitten sitting in my yard. She was found by my dog, Jake, whose prior history with cats would have tempted him to consider her a before dinner appetizer.
Instead, Jake found a lifelong friend. He brought her in, along with her brother and two sisters, and raised them as his own. The first time I saw Jake strutting through the house with Pip in his mouth I was a bit nervous, but I soon learned I had nothing to worry about.
Unlike her siblings, Pippen had only one favorite plaything…rubber bands. She discovered them on my desk early in her life, and from that moment on they captivated her. She would grab one from the bowl and go running through the house with it, bouncing off walls and chattering with delight.
She even figured out how to launch them. She’d hold one end down with her paw, grab the other end in her mouth, and then let go and race over to pick up the rubber band/rocket. This would go on for hours.
I said goodbye to my beloved forever cat one year ago today.Despite how much I miss her, I find comfort knowing that she, Jake, and her brother, Dickens, are reunited, and they are flying together through the starry skies.
And she’s also very happy…turns out there are rubber bands in heaven! Love ya, sweetie!
Lighthearted Press Publishing magical books for animal lovers
It was a year ago this week that I said goodbye to my dearest forever cat, Pippen, only a few months after I lost her brother, Dickens.Christmas was just a few weeks away, but I was having a hard time finding any holidayin my heart.
Those first holidays after the loss of a loved one can be very difficult. I wondered if I could do something that might bring a little comfort to an animal lover who is missing a much-loved furry friend, just like I was last year.
So…I’m excited to announce the first annual Lighthearted Press Holiday Heart Gift Box Giveaway. Here’s your chance to nominate someone who might be uplifted by receiving one of our comfort gift boxes.
We’ll choose two winners – one will receive our Dog Lover Comfort Box and the other will receive our Cat lover Comfort Box. In addition to the books and goodies in the box, we’ll also include an angel figurine holding a dog or cat in her arms (see photos.)
There will be a gift card saying the box is from you. You can also send it anonymously, from a friend, from someone who understands…or even from Santa! Just submit a short paragraph (150 words maximum) telling why the person you’re nominating might enjoy receiving the box.
You can post your entries on our Facebook page, on my blog, or paste them into an email and send them to - no attachments, please.
Also, please don’t include any contact info or anything that might identify the person – if your entry is chosen we’ll be in touch about the mailing address for the winner.
As a special thank you, we’ll send an autographed set of our 5 books to the two people whose nominations are chosen!
A few details:
In the interest of fairness, this opportunity is not open to family or personal friends.
Gift boxes and books will be shipped only within the 50 US states.
In order to help spread the love around, the nominating person and the chosen nominee shouldn’t be at the same address.
All entries must be posted or received by December 10, 2011, so we can send the packages out in time for holiday delivery.
Thanks so much. Hopefully we can bring a little healing to the heart of an animal lover who may need a little holiday magic this year!
Ho Ho Ho!
Chris Davis Lighthearted Press Publishing magical books for animal lovers