If there’s a cute critter doing something adorable, and our camera happens to be nearby, we make a mad dash for it and start snapping pictures!
So here’s a chance for all you kitty people to enter a photo contest for cat lovers, sponsored by Feralcatbehavior.com.
Here’s what they have to say:
"Feralcatbehavior is launching a Photo Contest for Cat lovers, celebrating the crazy world of cat ownership. The contest starts today and will run through the last part of October. Send us your funniest cat photos.
We have all been there when kitty discovers the roll of toilet paper and starts to play…or curiosity gets the best of him and he creeps into the refrigerator while the door is open and falls asleep next to the fruit. We have all had those special moments with our cats that make us LOL or just giggle uncontrollably. Submit your photos to webcomposer@comcast.net. The winner will receive, courtesy of Sturdi Products, a soft-sided cat carrier. Blog readers will vote on the best photo once they are published at the end of the month.
So tell your best cat buddies. We want to celebrate the craziness of cat ownership, embrace the embarrassing moments when Kitty gets the best of you, and laugh along with you as we explore the funny side of cats."
Here’s what I want to say about my Dinosaur Tarot Reading – those darn dinos are amazingly perceptive.
Small brains??? I don’t think so!!
I was at an event this weekend where I saw a woman sitting on the floor with a suitcase full of plastic dinosaurs. She was offering tarot readings, only this reading had nothing to do with cards – it was all about the dinosaurs.
This was too intriguing to pass up, so I took a seat in front of the suitcase and asked if I could focus the reading on my passion – writing books for animal lovers. I choose three dinosaurs, each representing different aspects of my life and work. Then Grey Anne, the woman who keeps these plastic figurines employed, went on to offer insights and guidance direct from the dinos.
All I can say is WOW – was this fun…and very helpful!
Although I’m going to keep what I heard to myself, I CAN say that what the dinosaurs shared will remain with me forever.
You can learn more about Grey Anne and her dinosaurs at www.dinotarot.com.
My cat, Pippen, needed her teeth cleaned, so last Friday she finally had it done. The tooth fairy claimed a few teeth in the process, but at least it’s done, and Pippen is fine.
As I write those words I’m aware of a slight ache in one of my own teeth.
Yes, I’ve been dragging my feet about going to the dentist, too.There was a time when I marched into the dentist’s office twice a year without a second thought. I had no problems and no fears – they could drill with a little Novocain and I was fine.
And then came the root canal in 1993.I went in with the same fearlessness, but something went wrong. After 12 shots of Novacain I could still feel the pain. The dentist did the best that he could, and sent me on my way with some prescription pain meds, which I promptly took.
It turned out I couldn't tolerate pain killers...or that with me a little goes a long way! I will spare you the details - let’s just say it involved me trying to make my way home on the freeway, going through a fast food drive up for some refried beans (probably the only time in my life I've done that!) and then going through the bank drive up with the teller staring at me in an odd way.
When I got home I crawled up the stairs and looked in the mirror – my very numb face was covered in beans, with little bits of cheese sticking out for good measure.
Since then any dental work has required either total sedation, or a lot of over-the-counter sleeping pills and having a friend drive me.
So I put off Pippen’s dental, and I’m very sorry I did that. I won’t be so fearful with the other cats. Hey, I may even make an appointment to go to the dentist myself.