I think we attract to us those beings who may bring us opportunities to learn and grow…to challenge beliefs that may be holding us back, even if those beliefs feel quite comfortable THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
If I need to be practicing more patience in my life I can guarantee an animal will come to me who will interact in a way that doesn’t perfectly match my patience level.
Or, what if I’m looking to be wrapped in furry love because I’m tender and broken from the loss of a beloved animal? There is a good possibility the critter that will find me may have a completely different life plan than the one I have for them, and taking care of me might not be on the top of their list.
This may force me to look deeper inside myself, or reach out into my circle of friends and family for help and support. It may be that I need to learn how to ask for a shoulder to lean on, instead of relying on my animals to be my main source of healing.

Many years ago a little poodle-mix doggie came into my life. She was about 6 months old, and I named her Gypsy. She was very shy and insecure, and would spend a large part of our 17 years together in hiding. I had several other dogs while Gypsy was with me, but she just wasn’t that big on interacting with them….or me. I loved her, as I love all my animals, but I would never have the same bond with her that I had with Martha…or Jake.
Toward the end of her life she became blind and deaf, and I thought she would spend her final years in her own silent world, living under the bed.
And then I found JAKE. I was concerned about bringing a new dog home with Gypsy almost 16 yrs. old, but when I saw Jake I knew he would NOT be staying at the shelter.
Jake not only changed my life – he changed Gypsy’s, too. He treated her like she was the queen of the manor, and she loved being deferred to. The last year and a half of her life was spent going on walks and taking car rides with her best buddy, Jake, with both their heads hanging out the window. She was so happy!
I learned a lot from little Gypsy, a dog I had never really connected with. I saw firsthand that it is NEVER too late to get in the game and enjoy life. I learned that sometimes we ALL need to be treated like a queen…even if it’s just for a day. And I came to understand that sometimes being blind and deaf isn't so bad - you probably miss a lot of things that aren't good for your blood pressure, anyway!
Perhaps if we let our own expectations and hopes fall away we can see all the wonderful gifts these furry miracle workers bring with them. It took me many years to understand just how special Gypsy was, but by the time she left my life I was oh so grateful for our 17 years together.