Recently Ginger’s picture was entered in an online contest. What a lovely idea, I thought…until I heard the rest of the story. Apparently someone contacted the owner of the store that was holding the contest and asked them to remove Ginger's picture – too creepy looking, the person said.
The owner took immediate action. She used her software to “color in” Ginger’s missing eye, so she would look “normal.”
There are times when I find myself speechless – this was one of those times. Just look at this picture! Everything that is good and pure and lovely in the world is reflected in Ginger’s beautiful face. You can see the suffering, too - maybe that's what really bothered the person who complained about her. The world we live in encourages us to do everything we can to hide our pain...but Ginger's wounds show. And that's what makes her so special. One can only imagine the horrors that she has endured, and yet she still shows up eagerly for life with passion, a sense of purpose...and an open heart.
Perhaps Ginger is a "heavenly" being who took doggie shape and came to Fran because she knew she was needed...I don't know. What I do know is that Fran sees Ginger as the perfect little creature she is...and I am absolutely certain that Ginger sees Fran the same way.
And that’s really all that matters.